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Mentorship Program《2020 - 2021》

Program Goals

Provide an empowering and supportive space for undergrad and grad students to connect throughout the pandemic and beyond

How do I be a part of this program?

It's as easy as following us on our socials and joining our Mentorship Program Discord where you can chat with grad students and be the first to know about upcoming events!

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Grad Info Session

Prior to the big kickoff, we gave graduate mentors the chance to ask any questions about how to get involved. We were also able to gauge possible interest for research and professional development workshops! 




Mentorship Program Reveal

Our program kickoff where we introduced our new AAUW board, and presented an overview of the program. Mentors and mentees were paired up prior and were given the chance to get to know each other.




Among Us Study Jam

There is 1 Imposter (person not studying) among us... A study jam for midterms season with breaks to play Among Us and talk with mentorship program peers.




Let's Talk About: Mental Health!

With finals approaching soon, it's easier than ever to neglect basic necessities. This workshop features 3 graduate students who will cover topics such as avoiding burnout, daily self-care practices, overcoming imposter syndrome, among other topics! We will also be doing a gratitude exercise so y'all can implement these practices into your daily lives.



Jovana Gomez

4th year Hispanic Literature PhD

Her research is in Mexican Literature with an emphasis on

representations of Mexican women who kill.

Marina Zhukova

1st year Linguistics Masters/PhD

Her research is on studying gestures and body language.

Viktoriya Babenko

5th year Cognitive Neuroscience PhD

Her research focuses on how stress influences changes in out brain, body, and behavior - and how female sex hormones interact with this stress response.




AAUW x WomxnHacks Professional Development Workshop

A workshop covering LinkedIn basics and etiquette, and resume tips! Mentors were paired up with participants in 1-on-1 sessions for resume help and advice. Afterwards, a networking session/game night to help attendees meet people in preparation for WomxnHacks 3.0.



Your question not answered below? Shoot us an email and we will be happy to answer it!

How are mentoring matches made?

Undergraduate students will be paired up based on major. Graduate students will then be assigned to the undergrad groups based on research interests. However, mentors and mentees are free to reach out to those outside their assigned groups!


What is my obligation to the mentoring program?

Mentees: Your participation is up to you, but we highly recommend you attend our events. Go to at least one, it'll be for your own enrichment and benefit!

Mentors: Whatever time commitments you can offer would be greatly appreciated, whether that be giving advice or presenting your research at a seminar. Zoom links will be distributed through our Facebook and Discord!


Can I have more than one mentor?

Yes! We encourage you to reach out and connect with as many people as possible.


What if we can't attend the meetings/events?

It is best if you can attend, but some meetings/events may be recorded, depending on speaker permissions.


Is this a year-long commitment or by quarter?

Our Mentorship Program will be offered on a quarterly basis, but you may join and participate whenever you choose. Email us if you are interested! 

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